Yahweh my Shepherd : December 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Now here is a life changer, when I mean a life changer, I mean a life changer. This whole book is dedicate to Christ, and is to Glorify God in all ways. Richard Wurmbrand was a Christian Rev. At the time of Communist Romania. His entire Homeland was taken by a militaristic Communistic Society, and people all around him were falling for the illusion. Wurmbrand was sentenced to over 15 year in A Communist Jail because of his Firm believe in Christ and for not denying his True Savior in front of the masses.

Wurmbrand was one of the most dedicated Christians I'd ever read about, he knew how, to live through and struggle the roughest times. The stories in this are hard to come by, and awe-inspiring in so many ways. 

Wurmbrand witnessed countless deaths, tortures, and extrusions, in the name of Communism and made the reader understand that it was still going on till this day.

One of his stories involves a little boy being beaten to death by Communist Death Solider's in front of his Father because he would not deny Jesus. His father was in a Cell infested with RATS!

I give this book a 5/5 for the Sheer fact that in was completely heart-wrenching, yet uplifting. A MUST READ.

My new Book!

My new book is coming out soon! It is a poetry book about Change, Forgiveness, and Compassion, it is directed towards self-reflection and a greater Unity with the Great Spirit, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas during this time, as we celebrate the Birth, Death, and Resurection of Jesus Christ the Son of God. 

We all need Compassion in our lives, more than just judgement and sensual understanding, more than just a void relationship without understanding. We all need a Love that won't leave us nor forsake us. 

In my new book I attempt to share the Love of God through Poetry, and Poems to inspire, and direct towards a higher calling.