Yahweh my Shepherd : May 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015


Gloomy darkness

In the gloomy darkness,
I find that all is right.
In my deepest sadness,
I find a glimpse of light.
The light shines brightly
amid the brilliant stars.
The light purifies my soul
by removing traces of scars.
It brings me joy untold
as I feel it deep in my heart.
It is as sweet as music and
as vibrant as a work of art.

Indrani S


Zapatista rebels evicted 17 families from their homes in Chiapas, Mexico, last year after the families became Christians. A VOM partner heard about their situation and, despite warnings, brought clothing and food to them. The families prayed that God would provide land where they could live and start a church. Their prayers were answered when the government helped them purchase several acres of land near where they had lived for more than a year.

- VOM 


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pastor Haimovici

The cold, dark prison cell was crowded with Romanian Christians who were determined to bring the light of Jesus into the darkness. One of these prisoners was a Jewish believer named Milan Haimovici.
    One day, Milan began a discussion with another cell mate who was a great scientist but a godless man. Milan was not of the same intellectual and cultural level as this professor, but he told him about Jesus. The professor scorned him, “You are such a liar. Jesus lived two thousand years ago. How can you say that you walk and talk with him?”
Milan replied, “It is true that he died two thousand years ago, but he is also resurrected and is living even now.”
    Then the professor challenged Milan, “Well, you say that he talks with you. What is the expression on his face?”
    Milan answered, “Sometimes he smiles at me.”
    “Such a lie,” the professor laughed. “Show me how he smiles.” Milan graciously conceded. He was shorn and only skin and bones, with dark circles around his eyes. He was missing teeth and was wearing a prisoner’s uniform, but such a beautiful smile appeared on his lips. His dirty face shone. There was so much peace, so much contentment, and so much joy on his face.
    The godless professor bowed his head and admitted, “Sir, you have seen Jesus.”

Stories like this and many other's can help us to regain the much need faith in God our Savior and creator. God didn't make man to be 'sinner's' he made men to be faithful to him and bring him Glory.

How can we re-enact Pastor Haimovici's faith and endurance? 

By telling other's about Jesus!

Friday, May 15, 2015

The LORD thy GOD

Praise God in the Highest Heavens! 

Who is the LORD? 

The LORD GOD is the one who reigns forever, from generation to generation. We look to the LORD for all things, in this we can conclude that GOD is over all and through all. 

In Heaven who will be there for us?

Questions like these often arise in our minds, we ask ourselves who will we know in Heaven and will we be known, there is no simple answer in fact the only answer can only come from Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and The Heavenly Father who are one and have been one forever.

Will we have Family and Friends that don't make it?

We often think about Friends and Family, but do we ask ourselves if they will make it to Heaven or not? Just a large question can again only be answered by God Almighty.

 For the Lord will not reject anyone forever Lamen 3:31

How can we make sure we are saved from Eternal Damnation?

Me and people like me are so deserving of Hell it's not even funny, from the things we say to to things we do we can only be sure we are saved if we call on the name of the LORD.

For all who call on the name of the LORD will be saved  Romans 10:13

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Many Christians in Mubi, Adamawa state, are still recovering from injuries
sustained in an Oct. 29, 2014, attack by Boko Haram. Insurgents overpowered
security officers at a military barracks before searching houses throughout the
village, identifying and killing Christians. Boko Haram also released nearly 100
prisoners, who then helped the militants capture hundreds of Christians they
planned to kill. Most of the believers managed to escape during an attack on
the insurgents by the military. However, many Christians were injured by
gunfire and bomb fragments during their escape.
VOM Sources
Photo: Amos and his family survived an attack October 2014 by Boko Haram
militants in Mubi, Nigeria, but he is still traumatized by the loss of his sisters
who were kidnapped from Chibok by Boko Haram members in April 2014.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Spectrum Red

As the violet of day
draws to a close...           
Witnessed the dwindling
vermillion sun,              
being swallowed  
by the horizon.
Ever so slowly,
       seconds stretched...
      This moment here...

    Brushing off
the indigos  
of the past,
            Whilst I shed these
scarlet tears.
Burdened with
              unfounded speculation
and fears.         
Gifted the.         
lease of bravery
but I know...         
it wouldn't last.       

A final skirmish             
night and light.            
My crimson wings     
spread to greet the.        
green evening air.             
Feather and wind.            
spoke to each other;       
quivered as if              
the same story         
they shared.           
A conversation    
              that ended quickly before
both took               

To the                        
highest heavens,
leaving a           
trail of leaves
from days of
  Flying past the
                 blushing orange cheeks
sleeping clouds.
             Evading the beckoning
    night's curtains
    Into the sun,
I would go.
                Beyond world's end,
           I would follow...

To find you
                  where the universe
                      would run its course.
                      I'd gladly soar through
       spectrum's grain,
      unfamiliar realms
              warped new planes.


through mine
      through yours...

By Ryn 


Check out more @ http://hellopoetry.com/ryn/

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Wurmbrand

From God's Knowledge we as Christians aren't suppose to Idolize...But in adoring this man of God someone who through his written testimony has brought myself and hopefully others I've spoke with closer to God...I realize how much he mean's to me and to God....
A fervent Lutheran Romania Minister Richard Wurmbrand has literally been through Hell and back as the communists tortured him mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
We as Christians in America don't even remotely understand the fullness of pain ministers like Wurmbrand have been through. His Wife Sabina whom, herself went through a Harsh Labor Camp insist on continuously loving the Communist Individuals as well as there Christian Brothers and Sisters.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.
Romans 8:38
I myself a sinner, now a child of God transformed by God's Grace and Power have found this to be true...
Although mentally principalities have tried to deceive me and have even been successful, I will never lose Faith in God in Christ in my Beloved.
Torture is a demeaning topic that not few like to talk about, but through the Holy Spirit we can endure such sufferings to speak about the Church of God which is ever so present within us.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lady Ireland

Lady Ireland

Check out more of her poems at www.allpoetry.com

I walked behind your footsteps
As you showed to me the road,
the road that you had made
whereon I had to go.
I past by many fountains
Where I stopped to quench my thirst
and you told me it was precious
God made it for this earth.
Ahead there stood many hills
then these fruits to me were free.
And on our way down again
from these hilltops of glory
you caught me in your arms
and told me a nighttime story..
"No road is without its hills
there may be bumps and potholes deep
but show love to you neighbor
and in your Heart God always keep"